
One More Hour

Today is my last day in the United States for a year. A month ago I landed a contract to teach English in South Korea at a private language school. With less than a month to get ready, the last 30 days have been a chaotic rush to quit my serving job, say goodbye to friends, attempt to sell my car (which remains unsold), pack whatever I could fit into two bags and jump on an airplane to Los Angeles. I have a 5 hour layover at LAX and I'm spending it in an airport bar sipping a gin and tonic wondering...what the hell am I doing here?

I wasn't an English major. I have no experience teaching. I've never traveled outside of the country by myself. I know almost no Korean save "hello" and "do you want to die," I know the latter will help with classroom management. I have one more hour before the plane leaves and I'm freaking out a little bit. Time to practice some of that deep breathing. It's going to be great and I'm going to have an awesome time. I'll make sure to be the best teacher I can be and in order to stay focused on photography I will be updating this blog with a photo for every day I am in Korea. Check back for updates tomorrow!


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