

March 21, 2010

Andrea Henderson, 10, reacts to being handed a baby goat.

Mike Henderson shows his son Stephen, 3, how a lasso works. Mike, who knows bob through work, came to the farm to show his kids around.

March 22, 2010

A new baby lamb cries for it's mother.

Gabby and Bob relocate goose eggs to underneath a brush pile to protect them from predators. The next day the eggs were gone.

March 23, 2010

Gabby scatters seeds in the chicken coop.

Doctor Woody helps spray insecticide on his pumpkin crop.

Gandhi becomes nervous as crows circle overhead as Doctor Woody brings him back inside for the day. Often crows will attack birds of prey to drive them away.

March 25, 2010

Pecan shells cling to the tree long after the nuts inside have fallen to the ground.

March 26, 2010

Gabby talks with Oscar Talamantes, a diesel mechanic, after picking up a repaired backhoe.

During a wind storm visibility on the road can drop suddenly to almost nothing.

The six horses on the farm tough out the worst of the sand storm in an open field as the sky fills with dust.

March 27, 2010

Bob Woody reels in his Red-tailed Hawk Gandhi like a trained fish while talking to Gabby.

The first signs of growth sprout from the pistachio branches.

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