
Albert and Candice's Wedding | Globe, Arizona

Albert and Candice taking the plunge.

November 5, 2011
The forecast for the fifth of November was cloudy with scattered showers. A worrisome forecast if this is your wedding day...

However as Albert and Candice walked out of church that Saturday afternoon the sun shined through and filled the church with a brilliant light. One of the two priest's that wed the couple said that if you could weather the first storm you could weather them all. Albert and Candice are an adventurous couple that didn't even hesitate to throw themselves off a cliff together. (With proper rappelling safety precautions and backup belayers in place, of course.) I don't doubt that they'll not only weather the storms, but laugh and love while doing it.

Finally I would like to thank Candice for being such a sport when it came to cutting a hole in her wedding dress so we could capture some amazingly unique pictures. You and Albert rock!

1 comment:

MOwens2309 said...

Hello Dana.

My name is Melinda Owens. I have been searching for a Dana Felthauser who worked for PennLive, in Harrisburg/Hershey, PA. If this is the Dana I'm searching for you had photographed my boyfriend Tristan and I outside the Concert Arena in Hershey during the summer of 2009. I loved that photograph you captured of us. I actually trying to get the full resolution image from PennLive. If this is the right person please contact me.

Thank you