
Full Moon Riders | Austin, TX

Temperatures in most of Texas will be over 100 for the rest of the week. That's all fine and dandy when you go from air-conditioned house, to air-conditioned car to air-conditioned work, but spend any time outside and you can expect to be drenched in sweat. That is one reason going for a bike ride in the middle of the night sounded like a great idea! Not to mention a chance to meet other road riders, rock hoppers and generally all around cool people.

Tuesday night tons of local riders met on the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge at midnight to journey the streets of Austin together. Harassing motorists, enjoying tasty beverages and skinny dipping in Lake Austin were all on tap.

Enjoy the photos.

Late Tuesday night Neal Singer departs from the Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge with a glowing milk jug strapped to his bike, a lantern for more than 150 riders to follow. Every month, on the full moon, cyclists gather to ride through Austin's city streets.

Stopping for a dip in Lake Austin.

Tony Merriwether shouts to a passing fellow biker Late Tuesday night while riders gather under the Mopac bridge to wait for stragglers.

Tall bike rider Blake Lampasas gives a passing car thumbs while riding down 15th street.

Just before two in the morning many of the riders stopped on the north side of the Texas Capitol Building.

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